CL-FUZZ - Fuzz Testing in Common Lisp



This is a very simple fuzz testing framework. The code comes with a BSD-style license so you can basically do with it whatever you want.

Download shortcut: git clone



  1. Download
  2. The CL-FUZZ dictionary
    1. run-tests
    2. test-eq
    3. test-eql
    4. test-equal
    5. test-equalp
    6. test-false
    7. test-true
    8. test=
  3. Acknowledgements



CL-FUZZ together with this documentation can be downloaded from

The CL-FUZZ dictionary

run-tests generator tester &key formatter log count => result

Perform a series of fuzz tests. GENERATOR: (lambda ()) => fuzz. TESTER: (lambda (fuzz)) => nil, performs one set of fuzz tests.

test-eq name expected-function test-function => result

Call EXPECTED-FUNCTION and TEST-FUNCTION and test if results are #'EQ.

test-eql name expected-function test-function => result

Call EXPECTED-FUNCTION and TEST-FUNCTION and test if results are #'EQL.

test-equal name expected-function test-function => result

Call EXPECTED-FUNCTION and TEST-FUNCTION and test if results are #'EQUAL.

test-equalp name expected-function test-function => result

Call EXPECTED-FUNCTION and TEST-FUNCTION and test if results are #'EQUALP.

test-false name test-function => result

Call TEST-FUNCTION and test if result is false.

test-true name test-function => result

Call TEST-FUNCTION with no arguments. If result is true, mark successful test. If result is false, print an error message. NAME: name of this test TEST-FUNCTION: (lambda ()) => (or nil RESULT) RESULT: the result of TEST-FUNCTION

test= name expected-function test-function => result

Call EXPECTED-FUNCTION and TEST-FUNCTION and test if results are #'=.



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